arena at casey jones park

Arena at Casey Jones Park - Elizabeth, CO Tickets

Arena at Casey Jones Park Tickets and Seating Charts - Elizabeth, CO

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Buy Tickets to Arena at Casey Jones Park

Currently, we do not have any tickets available for Arena at Casey Jones Park. However, we expect Arena at Casey Jones Park to announce more events soon, and Event Tickets Center will be your place to buy tickets. In the meantime, familiarize yourself with the venue. Read about parking, concessions, seating, rideshare, public transportation, bag policy, amenities, and more, and check back soon to buy Arena at Casey Jones Park tickets!

The Arena at Casey Jones Park is located in Elizabeth, Colorado, and has been a popular event venue for over 30 years. In 1990, the park was renovated and expanded to include a 6,000-seat arena that is used for dragon boats and equestrian activities. It also contains several walking paths and various picnic areas. Amenities include two dressing rooms with showers and two classrooms for sports development programs.

With average temperatures of 70-75 degrees in summer and 45-55 degrees in winter, the town of Elizabeth offers rolling hills surrounded by mountains and meadows of vibrant flowers. There are several restaurants and shops throughout the town, as well as parks for recreational activities such as biking and hiking trails. Outdoors enthusiasts can go fishing in the many ponds located nearby, or go whitewater rafting on one of the larger rivers.

The Arena at Casey Jones Park is the perfect venue for any type of event, from music festivals to horse shows. With convenient parking and cart assistance available, it provides a unique and beautiful setting to experience the beauty of Elizabeth and Colorado outdoors while enjoying your favorite performers. We invite you to come to explore the Arena at Casey Jones Park!